Saturday, October 24, 2009

How Long Is Forever?

Forever? Can forever be too long? I sometimes wonder when an idividual says,"I will love you forever" what is their forever? Or take for instance, someone says to you,"This is taking forever!" What does forever mean to them? Please take sometime with me on this. I would like to get several opinions on what forever is. I know opinions are like assholes. Everyone has one! I hope everyone is having a bitching week.


  1. It's not long enough when we're having an orgasm.

  2. a timeless existence altogether outside of time, and time must have existed eternally, or in plain terms the organismic Secretia might understand, its an up down, in and out time lapse that lasts a long time

  3. Now, that was a bitching comment Stoker! Secretia will appreciate your plain terms. I agree with your choice of forever. I just never thought about it in those terms.

  4. Forever doesn't exist, everything with a begining will always have an ending. Even the universe we live in is slowly moving towards its end (look it up, scientists think the universe is going to end eventually). Forever is a measure of how long we have patience for something.

  5. This question has received some very interesting comments. JC..I hope you are wrong but I have heard it maybe when all the planets line up like never before in 2012. Scary thought because I have young children.If and when the world ends I hope I go first:)

  6. Oh I wasn't talking about the 2012 theory, there's a theory about dark matter and dark energy and the universe expanding too fast. It's all pretty complicated but don't worry that'll be long after the star we call a sun has burned out and all life on Earth is gone, way way way after we're gone. But it gives you incentive to live like it's your last day and love like you've never been hurt
