Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Do you have bitchy neighbors like this? Assholes! Everyone has one! How bad can it get?

I had to put the rest of my bitch in a comment because it was too much for my blog to handle:)I have lived in the same house for 13 years. My father lived here eight before his death. I have had troubles with my dam neighbors to the right of me since I have lived here! I will list them and please tell me I am not just getting pissed over nothing! There are many, many, more stories to tell but here are the worst of the worst!
1. Accused me of throwing fish heads in their yard.
2. Called the city on my Toyota I had spent 2600.00 on 4 months prior and then it blew another part of the engine. I couldn’t afford to fix right away so it sat in the driveway in which it was towed and never seen again.
3. They called animal control on a dog I had that during breeding season he would jump over the fence and roam until we found him.
4. My daughter had a fund raiser and they were the only ones that ordered something from her. The product (wrapping paper costing 7.50) was discontinued and my daughter was going to return her check from school to her. She (my neighbor) met me out front when taking my daughter to school and she asked about her check. I explained we would bring it over that evening. Meanwhile, they called my daughters' school and spoke to her teacher. (What an invasion of school policy to even speak with my neighbor) The principle called during this day and asked that I please give them their check back for 7.50. I was appalled! What the hell were they thinking to call the school? That evening we gave back the check. Bitch!
5. I am always running around barking orders to my children about taking out the trash and one day I had been confused on what day it was. I thought it was garbage day. However, it was a day early and they called the city that came out and asked why we put it out the day before garbage day? I explained that it was garbage day (thinking it was the day for garbage pickup) and he left me with a warning.
6. One garbage day our trash had spilled out of one can. The dam neighbor asked my son to pick it up (She must of meant right dam now!) and he attempted it before he was called by us to get in the car because we needed to grocery shop. When we returned home there had come a knock on the door! It was a officer of the law (a cop in a cop car) feeling a little embarrassed that he was called for this; but explained they had called because our trash had spilled! Bitches!
7. We had a rather large dog I had saved from the pound. One day the animal control came and said he was too skinny. (Hanz was his name and this dog ran a track around our back yard) He never stopped. So, we were told to take him to the vet. We did. The vet said he is not mal nourished at all. He asked if he was very active and we explained he never stops running except to get water some days! So, we turned in the vet report and they left Hanz alone.
8. Of course, I had several calls about cars that were in our backyard. At most, two cars to be exact. One was not even ours it was my brothers who only left it for three days. My brother came and retrieved his car. However, my husband’s antique car that needed a whole new gas tank was towed off to never be seen again.


  1. 9. Another time we had rain for almost a month and we don't have water drains on our street. Our whole front yard was squishy with water and we noticed that our septic tank was seeping sewage in our yard. Yes, it did have a terrible smell we agreed. We were going to have the water pumped out of the septic as soon as the rain stopped. We put down lime to reduce health issues. However, the neighbors called the health department and they gave us 24 hours to have it pumped out. Then we were told that our septic was not working. Funny though is that the people that put in our septic explained to the health department that this is happening all over the city because of excess rains. That was 6 months ago. The health department called the other day and said I was noncompliant and could face charges. I explained to them that we have had no trouble at all since we had it pumped out (it was full of water not waste) and see no reason to have it checked again. My hubby just went out a couple of days before this call to clean the filter in septic tank and told me it was low in sewage (which means it has been working properly. UGGGGHHHH! It doesn’t matter the health department said that it needs to be repaired! Thanks to my bitchy neighbors we will have to spend 1000's of dollars we don't have to fix something that is working.
    10. I have a travel trailer in my backyard that has been there 20 years now. At the time of this lovely neighbor call to the city my older brother had been sleeping back there. The city put a notice on our front door (which you cannot take off until the offense was taken care of). The notice said we have a structure that is causing a rodent infestation. Also on the notice was a part saying there were sanitary papers lying around by the trailer. The man from the city couldn't tell me where the paper was so I went out there to see it for myself. (There had been none there)He explained to me of what neighbor had called and of course it was them! The city came and checked to see if someone was living in there and took pictures of the non-offense! The man from the city and I made nice that day. Bitchy neighbors!
    11. One day about 7 years ago my little brother has committed a heinous crime. He is in prison now for 40 years. Recently my children came home and told me that those neighbors had told everyone who would listen not to allow their children to play with mine. (My children knew their uncle was in prison but they are too young to know why) But the neighbors running their mouths got back to my children. It about killed me to explain why people would say that about their uncle. So, what did I do? I put a sign out front asking them if they go to church with those mouths. (The reason for the sign was because they called us unfriendly neighbors and would not speak to us and still don't) They sent the neighbors children down to my yard to read it out loud so that they know what it said.
    12. Now, none of our neighbors speak to us. However, I see them everyday staring at us as we mow are yard or get into and out of our car. Oh speaking of mowing our yard we have been called on by them a dozen times about our grass being over 5 inches tall! It is Florida assholes! Grass grows quick and we thought once every other week was enough to mow. We don't use toxic chemicals on our lawn that seeps into our wells all over the neighborhood! They are in their early 70's and I suppose they do not care about our children future or the St. John's river that has a dangerous green slime threatening all sea animals every year. The city said it is from runoff of these chemicals!

    I really want your opinions! Please let me know if you have any cures for the old retired people that have nothing better to do than call my children evil because 2 years ago they took out one light bulb in their Christmas lights which caused all of them to work improperly! My children are 9 and 12 now. They remember the neighbor coming over with a flash light to look for said bulb. But what they remember most was the word evil.

  2. nothing worse than bad neighbours :( on the other hand there are worse!

  3. Sometimes people are just out to get you. It doesn;t matter how old they are, fight fire with fire.
    1. Buy some sort of pesticide like roundup and spray it through your fence to leave lines of dead grass on their lawn.
    2. Pee on their door sill, it'll probably evaporate but you'll always know it's there.
    3. Cut holes into their garbage bags so when they get lifted up, they'll rip and garbage will spill all over their lawn.
    4. There's probably no winter over there but if it does drop below freezing, pour water on their side walk. Once it freezes, it'll get slippery and if someone slips on their property they can be sued.

    Note: I'm not responsible for any legal actions caused due to what I posted. I posted out of humour and do not accept responsibiilities for your actions
