Thursday, November 5, 2009


Call me for dinner on this post! People remember Think when You take Your foot Out of your Ass! This is not bitching at all:( I am known as a bitcher however, this story turned this bitch into soup in a chair! I have put this post into a comment because of the sensitive nature of this post. It was sent to me by a blogger. I want them to both know that life is a too shall soon pass over THEM!


  1. "Baby killer, baby killer, baby killer!" the crowd chanted at me. One person even had the balls to throw his water bottle at me. If that man knew how close he was to dying that day, the crowd would have been chanting something much different. They would have been chanting something to the tune of, "Protester killer, protester killer, protester killer!" My unborn baby's heart never started, we waited 3 months and still no heart beat. Finally the doctor said they had to remove it at a "Women's clinic" which I later learned was a nice way of saying abortion clinic. By some cruel twist of fate, the day they scheduled us in happened to be my birthday. I spent the morning of my birthday in the waiting room of an abortion clinic. Looking around at all these people who could have babies but didn't want them, and here I am wanting my baby but being unable to have him or her. What could I possibly have done in my lifetime to lose my first child before it's even given a chance at life? What have I done to deserve the cruel irony of having my birthday be the day the hope of ever hearing my baby's heart beat snuffed out? Leaving the clinic I was met with a crowd of protesters, ridiculing me of taking my baby's life away. If those poor bastards only knew. They made the day just that much harder to get through. Just that much harder to try and have a decent birthday.

  2. Oh...that is a heart breaker to hear. I am so sorry. When you want to, it is ok to try again.


  3. Secretia from what I know that havent tried again they are focusing on their careers. A baby will come to them when least expected! Just a saddening issue.
