Thursday, October 8, 2009

Tears are words that a heart cannot express!

What are your tears saying?


  1. freightened, loneliness, that sums up all of my tears.......

  2. Dry your tears my new friend. Life can be frightening and lonely at times. That too shall pass. Time has a way of pushing us to one spectrum of emotions to another. I believe loneliness is the mighty one’s way of letting us get to know ourselves! Thank you for the bitching comment!

  3. then i dont want to know myself!!!!!!!!!!! too emotional.....

  4. If you don't know you who will? Self-actualization is mandatory in life! Don't be scared. Whe you know who you are then others will follow. Emotions can come and go! You only have one lifetime to know you! Bitching comment!

  5. i do know me... i just have to do something very hard. But in the end it will be so worth it...... i am sure there will be many more tears.... joy, sorrow,

  6. If you know thyself you can forgive thyself! Whatever it is that you are about to do is there a rose or a grape sucker present in your path? If it is a rose that looks good and smells good then follow it if you choose. However, if it is grape sucker then you may like grape suckers. Your tears, I feel, whether for joy or sorrow will follow you like a shadow until YOU choose. Is what is so hard for you to do look like a rose or a grape sucker? Bitching read.
